Designer Developer Frontend

¡Hola! 👋 I specialize in Product Design, Motion UI and Responsive Websites.


Think more, Design less.

Figma & FigJam


Ps / Ai / Ae / XD



Frameworks & CMS

Automation & Testing

Skills & Experience

✨ I am passionate about designing unique and modern experiences that solve in a simple, cool way and that have a positive impact.



Dirección Creativa

Product Design
& Code

WordPress Developer

Rediseño e imagen corporativa.

Proceso creativo para productos, servicios y social media.

Design System. Prototipos interactivos. Brochures Corporativos. Impresos. Emails templates.

Diseño de producto para plataforma de canjes de puntos y millas.

Establecer la filosofía, estrategias y
objetivos creativos de la empresa para sus programas de lealtad como LifeMiles, LATAM Pass, tuplús.

Design System y look and feel del producto para Amazon, Mercado Libre y tiendas Jumbo.

Desarrollo de Landing Page, A/B testing,  plantillas nativas e interacciones en WordPress CMS.

Colaborar en sus diversos programas:



I have collaborated in incredible teams, startups and services.

Rock – Coming soon


Search Widget


Home Security





Creative minds in the field of design that aligns with the needs and solves the lives of users are hard to find…

MUSSO is one of a kind that complies with the above. In all the projects in which I have worked with him, expectations are exceeded.

Pedro Ruiz

Agile Coach

✨ It is a rewarding experience, he knows and understands all the processes related to the production of a product and he is very good at working in a team.

MUSSO is a great human being, with an excellent work ethic that is also complemented by extensive knowledge in web development and design.

Maria Antonia Quintero

Head of Project Management

MUSSO shines in all the projects we work on…

He is an outstanding creative, focused on devising solutions to give the best user experience.

Diana Buitrago

Success Manager

It has a quality that makes it unique. He is a designer but he is also a front-end developer.

This is important because it makes it highly detail oriented, driving understanding in UI and UX.

Daniel Velez

Co-Founder at

He has a great knowledge of web development and his talent never fails to impress me…

We do great teamwork on our projects, forming new ideas, uniting all UX and UI factors.

Pietro Nadalini

Software Engineer

He is super organized, creative and super collaborative…

I have had the opportunity to work with Juan Carlos on some projects and it has been a great pleasure.

Paola Sánchez

Product Designer

© 2024 design-musso